Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Self Practice! Where real Yoga Begins.

After teaching 9 yoga sessions a week and practicing with some wonderful teachers this summer, 
this morning was my first self practice in a while. 
It felt good to be on my mat to ease me into my week off since our students left. I love attending a yoga class its great being guided for an hour or so but having a home practice for me is were the real yoga starts. Yoga is a life practice and is not separated from our everyday life. Whats happens on the mat is a really good reflection of what our life is like of the mat. A lot can be said from your downward facing dog!
Having a self practice at home is not only good self discipline It's about having self-control and self-independence, which are found in our every moment of our existence and awareness. It brings us great health benefits and harmony to live and fulfil the life each one of us deserves.

Self practice away from a studio or class is the perfect way to connect and get to know yourself, as little as 15 minutes a day helps us to withdraw our senses and go within, we find stillness, silence and contentment we hold all the answers to who and where we want to be, and a daily yoga practice enables you to break through physical and psychological blocks, increasing energy, which will open the doors for new interest and opportunities to come into your life.
We will become more into the present moment and cultivate pure awareness allowing us the time to establish a dialogue with our Soul and tap into our inherent wisdom and divinity. You get to understand your own body and needs and see how your body and mind feels each day you step to the mat without distraction. 

Yoga wouldn't be yoga without the use of our breath. Our breath is the gift of life, using our breath to flow through yoga asana sends new prana throughout our body, we become more powerful and radiant, while at the same time becoming softer and more present.

If you have been to a few yoga classes a home practice can start very simply.
Stick to an overall structure with a beginning and an end. Begin with maybe sitting in easy seat and become aware of your breath to really connect and soften the mind. 
Breath in and out through your nose, lips closed gently. 

Warm up stretches (neck, shoulders, wrists). Sun salutations A to wake up the heart and re-energise the body.
2 standing postures maybe (warrior 1&2), balance (tree), seated forward bends, reverse plank, shoulder stand, plough and savasana. 
Do Not Skip savasana! This is not just for deep relaxation. It allows the body to re-group and reset itself After the exertions of the practice, if only for a few minutes. 

Let your breath guide you through each posture hold standing, seated postures for 5 breaths to really allow your body to except the stretch and release and let go. 

Please do not worry about messing up your flow, have fun with your practice and listen and trust the teacher in you! 

I'm certainly going to have fun with my Practice. I learn something new about myself on the mat and everyday my practice is different. It gives me time to work on challenging postures chipping away slowly and going deeper each day. I love the self-discovery and clearing out the old habits and emotions that we collect over the years to make space and openings for new beginnings and opportunities on our wonderful life journey. 

Enjoy Your Practice!


Jo ox

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