Wednesday, August 19, 2015

I still get resistant to practice yoga!

After many years of practice I still get resistant to practice yoga. 
Life's demands and routines can get in the way. I hear myself saying "Oh I will practice tonight as need to get to work this morning" or some other excuse. 
But one thing that can't be ignored is the way my body and I start to feel. My body starts to get sore and aches especially my shoulders and back after hours over my computer. I start to loose focus but try to work harder to compensate and this then causes frustration. My balance starts to tip then a headache will appear then ahhhh. I have to listen.
And it was the same when I started yoga. I knew how good I felt after my practice but found it real hard to weave it into my daily schedule.
One of the best things I did and still do today when I am feeling that outside life is taking over, is place my yoga mat beside my bed, so it's the first thing I see when I get out of bed and the last thing I see when I go to bed at night. And believe me it works and is what got my own self practice rolling. 
Just seeing it there and knowing how good you feel after you practice will get your yoga juices flowing. You may take to it for 5 minutes or an hour or more and that feeling once you are done will start to outweigh the cranky feelings you wake up, drag around your day with or put yourself to bed with. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Change Up the Routine!

A change of scene, a day out or night away can give me such a boost and recharge. That is how I felt after a weekend filled with wonderful birthday celebrations. Dinner out with the kids on Friday and away with my husband on Saturday night. No expectations just went with the ideas and suggestions, it was so lovely to flow with what my family arranged for me. 

The night away on Saturday was just what I/We needed. Although I live, see, work and have been together with my husband for the last 20 years. A break from our normal work life routine being a mummy and daddy was a Pure tonic. We only drove an hour away but spending time as a couple, no responsibilities just the two of us to think about was ace. 

I think sometimes it is real easy to become complacent, we take things for granted and the thought of change or a different routine can feel a bit of an effort. But taking time out for a day, night or even better a week, is the
Perfect Gift to Self.

We can get real comfy in our daily routines, we know the ropes and we pursue our days, we walk the same route, drive the same road, eat the same foods, see the same faces, although there is nothing wrong with that, for me when I change it up, I love it! And sometimes I forget how much I love it, until I do it again!

 Our fears can also be a big distraction and can kick in when we think about changing up our routine, its like the fear of the unknown. It does take effort to organise, make arrangements to try something new, but that effort can sometimes be quite life changing.

I know people that have come holiday with us and its there first holiday in years and the first thing they say is why the hell didn't I do this sooner. 99% of my guests that come holiday with us are solo travellers and it is maybe the first time they have travelled alone and this can bring about a lot of questions, thoughts or anxieties on the lead up to their trip. But the total exhilaration once they have experienced their first solo adventure or week it amazing. 

We can easily talk ourselves out of change, we become comfortable and it seems like the easy option is to stay put in what we know, with the predicted outcome, but for me it's the opposite. Every week is change through the summer. I get to meet different people. Some become great friends and some simply pass through. Change for me is inspiring, its eye opening, I love meeting new people, great to hear new ideas, to explore and dip into my more than capable skills of exploring and discovering, new places, trying different foods, and totally trusting what I am all about. 

It opens my eyes and has created wonderful opportunities and can be a totally and utterly inspiring experience. 

If you feel that life has or is boring you should try changing up your routine. 
It doesn't have to be huge, it can be something small and have a profound effect. Bust through those fears to change and enjoy the ride.  Life is a journey of discovery and sometimes when we hold on and grasp for things not to change  be can become very disappointed. 

Move with the ebb and flow of life be open to change, happy and free. :)

The world is Your Oyster!

Happy Days Jo :)

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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Why I didn't start away teaching when I got my Yoga Diploma!

6 months into my 9 month Yoga & Anatomy course and my interest and hunger to learn about the human body grows with each lesson.

This was the same for me when I started to practice yoga, I could feel the effects that my practice was having on me and my body. I learnt so much from my own self practice. I liked going to classes and being guided but I never fully connected with a teacher. I was always grateful to hear and listen to there knowledge and experiences but for me, more work could be felt and done with-in my own practice.

After I qualified as a teacher I never felt the rush to teach others. I was so happy to continue to deepen with the knowledge and to work with what I had learnt. I have a lot of emotion heaviness that I really wanted to attend to, to free from my being. From my dad getting killed in a car crash when I was 25 to suffering from the disease Rosacea on my face for 13 years, from a difficult mother and throwing myself into work to hide from it all.

 I attended different styles of yoga classes to be inspired and be guided along with my dedicated 5 day a week practice and lifestyle. My home practice was sometimes intense, I had to battle with my resistance a lot but just starting with my breath and slowing moving my body, my practice would start to unfold for anything from 20 mins to 2 hours. What I did notice In the classes I attended is I could really feel my practice evolving and the deep connection I was making with myself. If the class I attending was Ashtanga, vinyasa or other, I never felt the need to strive or push past my capabilities, don't get me wrong I loved to challenge myself but I would take the posture and work within my ease to move me closer. I would always take the breaths I needed to flow me through the practice. For me it was never about the target it was always about how my yoga felt within my body. How the breath made me feel, how much freedom and spaciouness I could create in my body within asana and this was the time I started to think about sharing my practice.

It was a natural progress for me. My Yoga diploma was a self progression. I really wanted to grow myself and help myself heal. It was and continues to be an incredible journey, I have come along way but our habits and thought patterns take a long time to break and ease and I know without the dedication to myself, my Yoga practice and all this wonderful knowledge I contiue to learn. What  I know is that as long as I am breathing, and have a functioning body anything and everything is possible.

How grateful am I to be able to learn such incredible knowledge from the Master that continues to deepen his knowledge and to absorb and continue to do my own work to be able to share it with so many wonderful people that I am fortunate enough to teach/guide.

When we do our own work and look to ourselves the possibilities for happiness and pure fulfilment and endless.

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