Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Yoga is about Union not Levels.

A question I get asked a lot when people enquire about our holidays is "what level of practice do I cater for"? 
As most of you know I am the resident Yoga guide here at Yoga Holidays Turkey and my classes are for everyone.
From brand new to Yoga to the more experienced. For me Yoga is not about levels, so when I am asked the question my answer is that the Yoga I guide is a peoples Yoga. I encourage everyone in my classes to explore and deepen their own yoga practice.
And each person so different from the next.
We offer 8 classes here and the first class of the week I encourage people to surrender. We spend time tuning into our lovely breath, connecting and warming up the body and flowing through a vinyasa slow sequence to prepare the perfect foundation for the rest of the classes over the week. Once we have flowed together for the first time I can then see and feel what variations to offer to each person to suit each and everyone in my class.
I encourage people to ask questions and offer myself as a guide for everyone to indulge in what feels good in there body.
Yoga means 'Union' and when we all flow with what we have, letting our breath guide us then Union is vibrant in each and everyone in the my class.
I have guided people with injuries from a broken ankle, years of lower back pain, dyspraxia, frozen shoulder, knee injuries, Hyperextension elbows and some totally burnt out and each have indulged in a wonderful practice over the week to even forget or become surprised with how deep they took their own Yoga practice.
I have a dedicated practice and live a yogic life style and sharing all that I have learnt along the path with so many of you is a true gift.
I welcome you all and can’t wait to flow with you in the very near future.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Be Your Own Truth Seeker!

Be Your Own Truth Seeker!
One thing I can’t do is lie or be dishonest. Not only to myself but to others too. I have tried to lie and not be honest to get out of a situation, to mask over feelings and hurt or try and let someone down gently but it just sends my stomach and nervous system into turmoil and I get so tense and relaxation forget it.
Yoga has taught me so much about truth because the practice is so intimate and I can never hide from my emotions or feelings that rock up during moving with the breath. For me doing the breathing is the pose.
When we are not truthful to ourselves, someone, our feelings, our thoughts this reflects right back at ourselves. I only teach from my experience and lessons, how I got though certain periods of my life and as a result of those experiences can help others and share the tools that helped me.
I lose my father in a car crash when I was 25 and it wasn’t until 7 years later that I gave in and got help for my grief. Within that 7 years I became moody, unfulfilled, aggressive, I threw myself into my work, I felt the need to control and contractedRosacea on my face, I couldn’t sleep and I blamed a lot.
Thankfully through the help and some stern words from my know husband I realised and got help. It was the wake up call I needed and before I lost what I had. I had to admit to myself I needed help. So I got help. The 1st 6 months was the hardest for me but in the midst of those hard times it was also very empowering. I began to feel blips of change, I cried I shouted, I let out my frustrations but each time left feeling lighter and I was beginning to understand myself. I started to slow my life down, I started to notice myself, I was understanding that is was my choice to change and find my own freedom to stop blaming and live the life I was born to live. I learnt that no one is responsible for my happiness. No husband, No child, No parent its all down to me.
I never felt afraid of change just really excited at feeling and learning to and get, build MY life back. I got so hungry to change and thinking of myself become and is still is what keeps my life in balance and happiness.
I look back at those times as massive lessons and am so grateful for finding my strength. This in turn gave me the strength and courage I needed to nurse and watch my mums life slowly fade and die through her tremendous battle with cancer for 3 years. The lesson I learnt through that journey was incredible and I will forever be thankful for my mum for that.
When I practice yoga, it really is a self exploration for me. If I feel unsettled in my body, or have something on my mind, or maybe I have an ache or a pain or maybe I have so much energy that I need to release it is for me a self enquiry.
Life can hurt us and yoga sure can and has helped me. For me yoga is about peeling away layers of stuckness, layers that are heavy, layers of negativity, layers of uncertainty, layers of insecurity. And I love peeling back my layers to reveal and see how it feels to do my own work and feel the beauty that is freedom. Giving myself, time and space on the mat. Yoga provides a great vehicle for slowing down and learning to truly take care of ourselves. Yoga simply makes us feel better.  Full, deep breathing into all corners of the body makes people feel better. Feel stronger. Feel more energetic. And it has been doing so for thousands of yearsWe all no when we feel stuck, thoughts we cannot shift but most of the time we try to fulfil ourselves through a better time, ignoring our thoughts, maybe a new outfit or waiting for the perfect man.
Choice, freedom, fulfilment is all ours to have. We can continue to stay stuck in the greyness, drone of life or we can live, indulge, embrace everything it has to offer. We can turn all those wishes into reality and fulfil our dreams. And believe me if feels so amazing after the battle I had with myself for years.
Whenever someone comes up to me after class or writes me an emotional email to tell me how much they have benefited from their holiday with us and yoga practice. I feel the gratefulness and love from my Father and Mother and will to continue to grow and enjoy this wonderful gift of life together
By simplifying, slowing, and centring on the breath, we cultivate patience, a greater understanding. We can shift our thoughts. We no longer battle with difficulties, but rather learn how to ease through them, and enjoy and embrace the fact that we are here.
Jo xo

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Find Peace wherever you are!

I love this quote, so true!.

So many people think that shutting themselves away from civilisation to find peace is the answer, but from the feedback I have heard over the years that being in such a remote place can make returning to the/your real world even harder. 

Finding peace in our everyday living is the best way. We have a choice to be peaceful or to be busy and harassed. No one can offer or show you peace all has to come from Yourself.
We see so much transformation happen here at Yoga Holidays Turkey through keeping things real and encouraging and inviting our students to be with self for the whole week. To drop away the daily routine, to forget about work or the demands or home life. To explore this wonder home we live in. To take the time to listen, to notice our own bodies. To connect deeply with our gift that is the breath and to move and flow to awaken what is the magic deep inside. To shred of old thoughts, feelings and habits that are holding us back, It’s not heavy or a struggle, it is as much as you want it to be. Learn or to deepen our own trust for ourselves, to grow our strength, Love and own our power to live a fulfilled, healthy, extremely joyful life with a LOT of fun along the way. And all this happens in our Oasis in the heart of old town Side just steps from the Ocean, gorgeous bars and restaurants and steeped in ancient history. 
Jo xo

Self Nurture, Be Free, Be Happy

For me its all about growing who you are. Being the happiest you can be, being as present as you can be to stop mind distraction, to stop living in the past or future. To connect to find the magic inside. To allow the breath to keep you balanced, self nourished and shining bright. To explore the body through yoga, to create self abundance and compassion to indulge in your own love affair and then offering out to the world... 

It takes time and discipline but the profound effects it has on your life, body and happiness is simply amazing. Make every minute of this wonderful life count, it is such a gift. 

Happy days Jo xo

Monday, March 24, 2014

Free Your Soul

Yoga, mindfulness, and being totally interested in your own beautiful self and happiness is the perfect gift to Yourself.

Yoga, self discipline and life style changes can take a long while to become part of your daily life. But through yoga asana and quiet time we can gently invite transformation and change within the body and mind. This can feel intense or overwhelming but through your own exploration we face our intensities and each time they arise and if we sit with them long enough we will start to notice that the intensity starts to subside, it gets a little easier, we start letting go and slowly we start to release a bit of our world.

It does not need to be forced or taken to seriously we just allow what ever it is from where ever we are to release. We start to grow and it brings us closer to getting to no our true self, to Evolve to Rock who we was born to be and become ridiculously happy.

We have such a limited amount of time, make a start to look at your barriers and Free Your Soul.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"Gratitude is my Attitude"

When you have found you're calling, magical things happen.

I Really enjoy my life. I make my Own happiness.
I have patience and self dedication to work and move my body everyday through things to find freedom. 
What I have is enough. 
I don't look to somebody else to make me happy.
I am Here, I am Present. NO rules. No guru's.
I love
to be inspired, and never compare myself to others.
I am happy and believe in myself.
I trust my gut feeling, (its never wrong)
I am grateful for everything I have.
I don't take myself to seriously.
This is my Yoga. Jo Ozden

"Gratitude is my attitude"

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Why my Yoga Practice Excites Me

Today I am so looking forward to taking to my mat and being guided by a lovely Ashtanga teacher here in the UK.
Every time I fly to the UK I indulge in as many sessions as I can, to absorb and indulge myself, to flow and explore my body in the 90 minute offering.

My mat practice is MY time to be quiet, learn to listen to my body get hooked on my breath and flow and explore the challenges and the freedom throughout my practice and what is so beautiful for me is when you find a teacher that you really resonate with. It is the feeling of surrender I get as soon as I am asked to close my eyes at the beginning of each practice.

I feel a huge sense of wonder at the beginning of my practice and always welcome any feelings or thoughts. If a flow or asana becomes challenging and I feel resistance in my mind or body this is my OWN lesson to myself.
I soften and explore, never force, maybe hang there for a bit, to see and feel.

All the juicy experiences I indulge in on the mat is the path I walk and learn from in my every day life. And this for me is more challenging then my Mat Practice.
This is my Yoga every minute, everyday every situation, every person I meet, being a wife a mother, friend, employer.
It is my way and at the end of every practice, I Thank myself for this wonderful me time that keeps
me keep growing as a person, to enjoy this beautiful gift of life and everyone in my life.

This Is what Yoga has taught me so far and I LOVE being its STUDENT 

Namaste. Jo xo