I think we all have experienced our Inner Voice at some point in our life.
You no the times when you get that feeling when you do something but your gut feeling is screaming NO.
Its like knowing something without knowing exactly how you no it, it feels right to you, this is trusting your Inner Voice.
And a simple great way to tune into your Inner Voice is to simply listen!
A few minutes meditation is a great place to start.
Many people think meditation is just about sitting in cross legged position for long periods of time with your eyes closed. What meditation offers is a time to learn to calm and still the mind, to acknowledge your thoughts that pass through but not to react to them in your time of stillness.
It can take a lot of time, patience and practice to allow the mind to be still and calm, especially with the busy lifestyles we lead today. But just a few minutes can offer you amazing benefits. Sitting for a minute or few to allow/feel that flicker of calmness each time you practice will allow you the space and time to gently hear the whispers of your inner voice, waiting to guide you along lifes path. If you take the time out to listen so much in your life will become more clearer and easier offering great benefits on your stress levels and improvement of your overall health.
Our inner voice holds all the answers to ever question, fear, anxiety that may be holding us back from feeling fulfilled and living to our full expression. Its just a case of allowing your self the time to be still to Listen.
My simply tips to calmness.
Find a comfortable place preferably resting your back to sit to sit tall. Rest you hands on your lap.
Soften your shoulders relaxing your shoulders blades down you back.
Start by bringing your awareness to your tip of your nose and notice the breath as it enters and exit's the nostrils. Breath here for a few moments without strain or trying to hard.
Mentally say to yourself "I am going to allow myself to be calm and still"
Gently close your eyes.
Let your thoughts float by without attachment, acknowledge them but take no action. If your thoughts drag you in simply take your awareness back to the tip of your nose to the breath entering and exiting the nostrils.
Relax, breath and be still.
When you feel enough time has passed simply open your eyes and sit for a moment to see how you feel, from the time you began, maybe stretch the arms and the legs. Lovely how did you get on?
"You are your own teacher, listen and trust your Inner Voice".
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