Monday, March 24, 2014

Free Your Soul

Yoga, mindfulness, and being totally interested in your own beautiful self and happiness is the perfect gift to Yourself.

Yoga, self discipline and life style changes can take a long while to become part of your daily life. But through yoga asana and quiet time we can gently invite transformation and change within the body and mind. This can feel intense or overwhelming but through your own exploration we face our intensities and each time they arise and if we sit with them long enough we will start to notice that the intensity starts to subside, it gets a little easier, we start letting go and slowly we start to release a bit of our world.

It does not need to be forced or taken to seriously we just allow what ever it is from where ever we are to release. We start to grow and it brings us closer to getting to no our true self, to Evolve to Rock who we was born to be and become ridiculously happy.

We have such a limited amount of time, make a start to look at your barriers and Free Your Soul.