Monday, December 30, 2013

Enter the New Year with a Gentle Aproach

Don't put yourself under pressure with a heavy New years resolution.
Like I want/must get fit.. Make it easier by making it part of your lifestyle.. 
Like washing or feeding your body we do it everyday and that should be what it is like to move your body.. Don't make it a fail buy expecting to much of yourself to soon, make a small commitment to yourself to get up just 10 minutes earlier a day to indulge in a few stretches, your body and mind will respond so deeply and just 10 minutes will give you so many benefits.
From Simply inhaling the breath deeper into the belly will bring calm to the mind and this can only enhance and slow down your day.
To notice how your body feels while stretching will show you the areas of tension you hold in the body and just 10 minutes will fire up your energy system to remove stagnation and encourage your energy to flow around the body freely this will in turn will help the internal organs to function fully and maintain a healthy body a calmer mind ready to face the day.

 Everyday the body needs coaxing open. During every day living we endure stresses and tensions that accumulate in our bodies. And by moving and stretching the body through yoga will help open, release and remove the stress and tensions, that if allowed to stagnant or build up in the body will cause pain and may lead to disease. Even advanced yogis need to coax their bodies open with every practice and the more you practice and really start to connect with your body, you will soon learn that your body and mind will urge to take to your mat each day. 

Just 10 mins with make huge shifts in the body and mind and a continual daily practice/life style of taking care and connecting with your wonderful self through breath body connection will open up your world of gratitude and ridiculous happiness.

My 30 minute practice this morning in the hotel room while everyone was asleep is pure bliss for me. Breathing deeply and once again coaxing open my body, to start a brand new day 

Happy New Year to you All xo

P.S thank you for taking the time to read my blogs. Please feel free to share and join our social media pages below and hope to meet you in beautiful Turkey for some Yoga Holiday Goodness some day soon. Namaste :)

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Greetings and festive Happiness to you all

 I love my time on the mat to explore my being, to move with ease, to connect deeply with my breath, that not only calms my mind but nourishes all my internal organs, calms my entire nervous system, lifting any stress in my body or anxiety and improving my self-awareness. I am so grateful for this body I have been given and find such pleasure and happiness when I am with it on the mat…I am never fearful of what may come up during my practice. I encourage any deep emotions or stresses to surface so I can free my body of any holding patterns to create more freedom and space to live my life to the full and be ridiculously happiness.

 All the juicy tools I learn on my mat allow me to offer and keep reaching out to share and help many others I meet to grow their own Yoga with ease to become self aware and starting living the life we all so deserve. 

 I love my Yogic lifestyle, it has freed my fears, and anxieties. It has helped me with the grief of losing of both my parents and it has helped rid me of a 15 Yrs debilitating skin disease on my face.  Although at times it has been very hard and emotional I thank all my experiences for bringing me here where I am today. My happiness grows everyday, I have a wonderful marriage, and adore raising my 2 children, I meet and guide wonderful people every summer that come live and holiday with us in this wonderful part of the world. 

This is a taste of my yoga. It excites me and for many, many years of searching I have finally arrive home..

Get your yoga on, and realease your inner Guru. It will be the best gift you can offer yourself :)

Happy Holidays Jo <3
