Monday, December 30, 2013

Enter the New Year with a Gentle Aproach

Don't put yourself under pressure with a heavy New years resolution.
Like I want/must get fit.. Make it easier by making it part of your lifestyle.. 
Like washing or feeding your body we do it everyday and that should be what it is like to move your body.. Don't make it a fail buy expecting to much of yourself to soon, make a small commitment to yourself to get up just 10 minutes earlier a day to indulge in a few stretches, your body and mind will respond so deeply and just 10 minutes will give you so many benefits.
From Simply inhaling the breath deeper into the belly will bring calm to the mind and this can only enhance and slow down your day.
To notice how your body feels while stretching will show you the areas of tension you hold in the body and just 10 minutes will fire up your energy system to remove stagnation and encourage your energy to flow around the body freely this will in turn will help the internal organs to function fully and maintain a healthy body a calmer mind ready to face the day.

 Everyday the body needs coaxing open. During every day living we endure stresses and tensions that accumulate in our bodies. And by moving and stretching the body through yoga will help open, release and remove the stress and tensions, that if allowed to stagnant or build up in the body will cause pain and may lead to disease. Even advanced yogis need to coax their bodies open with every practice and the more you practice and really start to connect with your body, you will soon learn that your body and mind will urge to take to your mat each day. 

Just 10 mins with make huge shifts in the body and mind and a continual daily practice/life style of taking care and connecting with your wonderful self through breath body connection will open up your world of gratitude and ridiculous happiness.

My 30 minute practice this morning in the hotel room while everyone was asleep is pure bliss for me. Breathing deeply and once again coaxing open my body, to start a brand new day 

Happy New Year to you All xo

P.S thank you for taking the time to read my blogs. Please feel free to share and join our social media pages below and hope to meet you in beautiful Turkey for some Yoga Holiday Goodness some day soon. Namaste :)

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Greetings and festive Happiness to you all

 I love my time on the mat to explore my being, to move with ease, to connect deeply with my breath, that not only calms my mind but nourishes all my internal organs, calms my entire nervous system, lifting any stress in my body or anxiety and improving my self-awareness. I am so grateful for this body I have been given and find such pleasure and happiness when I am with it on the mat…I am never fearful of what may come up during my practice. I encourage any deep emotions or stresses to surface so I can free my body of any holding patterns to create more freedom and space to live my life to the full and be ridiculously happiness.

 All the juicy tools I learn on my mat allow me to offer and keep reaching out to share and help many others I meet to grow their own Yoga with ease to become self aware and starting living the life we all so deserve. 

 I love my Yogic lifestyle, it has freed my fears, and anxieties. It has helped me with the grief of losing of both my parents and it has helped rid me of a 15 Yrs debilitating skin disease on my face.  Although at times it has been very hard and emotional I thank all my experiences for bringing me here where I am today. My happiness grows everyday, I have a wonderful marriage, and adore raising my 2 children, I meet and guide wonderful people every summer that come live and holiday with us in this wonderful part of the world. 

This is a taste of my yoga. It excites me and for many, many years of searching I have finally arrive home..

Get your yoga on, and realease your inner Guru. It will be the best gift you can offer yourself :)

Happy Holidays Jo <3


Saturday, November 23, 2013


NEVER BE AFRAID TO REACH OUT and share your troubles or something that just won't shift.. We have all experienced highs and lows in our life's and to suffer in silence it not the way to move forward to lead a fulfilling happy life we all so deserve... I have been so saddened by the loss of a dear friend through depression. She was the most giving offering person you could ever meet…

Yoga Holidays Turkey, my facebook pages and my ramblings is my way of reaching out to this beautiful growing community for people to share and care and make our life's as fulfilling as possible.. I have lost both my parents that had a huge impact on my life in so many ways and have overcome some shit in my life and this is all through reaching out when needed and really embracing this beautiful life that we have been given.. I never feel the target of any shit I have been through, I simply roll with it and learn, listen to the sensations it rocks up for me and start moving forward to blossom once again.
Most of the time we are dealing with others peoples shit that has a great effect on us, maybe we are in a relationship that is toxic, maybe we are in a job we hate etc.

We all have choices and freedom to make them.. This life has been given for you to blossom or be a victim.. The choice is yours.. Please do not forget to reach out, in time's of need. YOU are not a burden, and the right people around you DO want to listen and help.. There is no shame in asking for help there is so much out there to be lived and experienced you just need to start baby steps to listening the trusting voice inside and slowly but surely watch the world start to open with it's wonderfulness.

Jo xo

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Doing what you love is Freedom!

I really love my job. 6 months of hosting and teaching in our home in a beautiful location just steps from the beach, and rich Turkish culture. And 6 months in our home in the country, working from home, hanging out with my family, indulging in my own home practice & teaching a few classes a week. It really is the perfect balance and something I feel am grateful for every day. 

Each summer we meet such wonderful people, that travel from all over the globe, to come yoga holiday with us and explore the beautiful historical sights that Side has to offer.

I would like to share with you one story of a guest that came to stay with us on the last week of our summer season. It really touched my heart, and has left sweet, heart-felt memories.

Murat arrived with our last guest from the airport and I was waiting to welcome her. Murat introduced Lindi to me and I was so surprised and excited to hear that Lindi had travelled all the way from South Africa to holiday with us for a week. We had had many a solo traveler but Lindi was our first from such a great distance.

Lindi's journey had taken her 19 hours in total, so was very relieved to be here at her destination to unpack and really get into her holiday.

Our home from home chilled vibe, really helps our guests settle and chill straight away and Lindi soon found herself at home.. 

What was so beautiful about Lindi was that as we got talking and getting to know each other, Lindi told me that this was her fist holiday in a while. She had practiced yoga before and was introduced to Yoga by a lovely Yogi called Paul, who over time Lindi fell in love with in which a beautiful loving, romance blossomed. Lindi told me some beautiful stories about her and Paul’s adventures and how Paul’s lifestyle and outlook really had an impact on her.  She told me how she use to attend Paul’s amazing classes and be in total awe of his mind and spirit, his beautiful body :-) and lovely practice.

Lindi then went to share with me that in January, Paul went to Vietnam - he loved hanging out with the locals and being in the mountains close to nature.  They had sms’ed regularly and as much as Lindi missed her soul mate was happy Paulie was indulging in what he loved. 3 Day’s passed and the regular sms did not come, which made Lindi become a bit uneasy and unsettled, until finally a sms came and Paulie told Lindi that he felt really unwell and thinks and felt like he had a fever so he was resting and waiting for it to pass. Unfortunately that was the last Lindi heard from Paulie as he passed away from a suspected insect bite.

Lindi had not practiced yoga for 8 months, every time she rolled her mat out she would just cry and cry and remember this wonderful person that was taken from her. Since Paulie passed Lindi was trying to make sense of why and the love she had lost.....
After 8 months Lindi began to think of herself and thought getting away on holiday, to maybe try and move a few steps forward and to re-connect a little and just find a bit of Lindi time.... Lindi looked through many a holiday but was drawn to website after reading my bio and felt that she really resonated with my life story so far... It didn't matter that is was a good 19 hours in transit, Lindi made the choice to come....And sent me an email to secure her place..

I was absolutely touched by Lindi's story and that I was going to be Lindi's first yoga guide since Paulie.. Wow what an absolute honor.. Lindi had no idea how she was going to feel in her first practice so we spoke and I reassured her that she go with what ever she was feeling and if at anytime it became to much to simply do what she needed to do to ease and flow through her practice. 

Our first yoga practice was the next morning all our guests arrived one by one placing down their mats. Lindi placed her mat at the back, next to my wonderful assistant Liz and we began the class.

Our opening practice is always about arriving and learning to connect with our breath and flowing together so we can get to know each other. As we started to flow I noticed that Lindi had a lovely practice and was really flowing and connecting with her breath. The class ended and before rolling up my mat I walked over to Lindi and we embraced in a huge hug.. Wow what a beautiful thing that just happened and I was totally just part off.. Lindi had just taken her first steps to moving gently forward, into a new place of feelings and release and I had the total privilege of guiding and being part of Lindi's incredible journey. 

We practiced for 8 more sessions together that week. We ate good food, drank some lovely wine together along with the rest of the wonderful group and over the week Lindi just blossomed. We all went out for our final dinner together and I have never laughed so hard in one night. We all shared stories, we toasted each other.  It is wonderful for me to share and hang out with so many lovely, interesting like-minded people... The transformation in just a week is incredible and I feel real proud that my husband and I have created such a beautiful atmosphere, comfortable and relaxed space for people to have such wonderful experiences... 

Lindi and I have emailed a few times since she has been home and although at times things get tough and she can still feel the loss and heartache she is forever thankful for the time she did spend with Paulie for showing her true love and a brand new view on life...

I am sure Lindi and I will meet again in the near future and we will certainly keep in touch and maybe who knows even a possible retreat in South Africa :)

Dear Jo

I think you are an amazing yoga teacher!  It is so difficult to teach yoga to people that you don’t even know and we were all on different levels.  You made us all feel that we were developing our own! practice and you guided us in such a beautiful way. I loved the setting, the incense, the birds in the trees and the cool music…   

I walked into your house and immediately felt at home.  Nice rooms and bathrooms – and at no extra charge for a single room. The food was amazing, I’ve met special! people and enjoyed the swimming, chilling and reading under your tree.

I’ve travelled all the way from South Africa and would do it all over again!  I miss you and please send all my love to Murat, Kuzey and Kaya.  Till we meet again.  Lxxxx

When someone you love becomes a memory,
the memory becomes a treasure.

Monday, October 14, 2013


Don't you just love it when you meet someone by accident :)
We had just said goodbye to our last guests - when a man in full motorcycle leathers and luminous jacket showed up at the foot of my stairs asking for a room. Greeting me with namaste he introduced himself as Tim, and explained he practised meditation. - He seemed to know a lot about me and what we did at the Pansiyon - I quickly trawled through my memory thinking 'Do I know you?' and 'Where had we met in the past!'

As we were in the process of closing, I was reluctant to offer a room as I'd just said goodbye an hour or so earlier to our last guests . He was tired and had travelled a long way, and persuaded me to give him a room, it was for just one night as he was en-route to Konya in the morning.
Half an hour later as I finished making up his room, Tim reappeared minus the motorcycle leathers, and proceeded to unload his bike – I was surprised to see a beautiful old Enfield motorbike, obviously loved and cherished by him.
We met later in the garden and started to talk about his travels. Tim's journey had started in Scotland and if I remember rightly, his route followed Newcastle to Amsterdam, down to Italy, to Greece then across to Cezme - following the coastal road and arriving in Side on route to Konya.

I was curious of the attraction in Konya and he said he wanted to visit the site of Rumi. Tim was really passionate about Rumi and his wonderful poems and was on a pilgrimage to his home, which still exists there.

As we spoke it turned to that Tim and I have a lot in common. - He once ran a guest house in Scotland (so when I was reluctant to offer him a room he understood the end-of-season feeling!) It also transpired that he teaches meditation in Scotland with a meditation style the same as mine - his thoughts, his learnings, his teaching is in complete parallel to what I think and practice - it was amazing!

My friend Liz, who had be assisting me for 5 weeks, joined us, and sat astonished, as this wise, interesting, man shared his knowledge. Liz looked at me and said 'Wow! Tim's work is exactly what you have been teaching us over the last 4 weeks…!'

Not unlike myself, Tim had a huge life style change at the age of 57 - as a result of a busy working life in the UK he became sick and was finally diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – in recovery from this illness, a friend offered him to accompany her on a day out – Tim followed her to a bookshop specialising in spiritual books – Not being a spiritual person, curiosity got the better of him, and after a discussion with the shopkeeper Tim bought a book that would change his life – for the better...(unfortunately, I cannot recall the name of the book)

While reading the book, it became clear that there was more to life than just existing in the human body… For many many years Tim had worked under such stress and anxiety that he thought it was normal, until his body started to fail. This one book really opened his eyes to learning to get in touch with himself, to start listening to his own body and to get in tune with his breath - he knew if he didn't start to take notice of his body his health at just 57 would remain as it was.
The author of the book has an ashram in the Himalayas, Tim made contact and booked himself onto what would be the beginning of a life changing journey! - over the years he has visited various ashrams (including a month of Vipassana Meditation) to continue his studies and practice – Tim's stop in Side, was just part of a journey that was once again taking him East through Turkey, Pakistan, and to Northern India to the Himalayas
What was so poignant about meeting Tim, was that after an hour or so chatting together, we discovered we had so much in common about meditation, mindfulness, breath work and the deep connection with self - that for me, after teaching and guiding for the last 6 months, was the perfect gift of wisdom I could of received.

As Tim and I shared our knowledge together, I truly believe that our meeting was meant to be. He has such a lovely outlook, living a present, compassionate, life - with gratitude for every day - we laughed and smiled and I was so touched by his presence.

We have taken a very similar path to reach full health and happiness - My life change came through my first yoga class and guided meditation course, learning to breath correctly and to not be a slave to my mind, and for Tim it was the breath and meditation. His journey took him to places far and wide whilst mine has been through self study, Yoga and mindfulness to heal and re-connect with this beautiful body we live in.

Thanks Tim for the visit, and I hope our paths cross again sometime in the future.

And Tim thanks for passing and sharing this poignant poem by Rumi. It totally is with each new arrival, and I love and learn so much from all the guides that come holiday with us here in beautiful Side. 

I am going place a few copies around our Yoga centre/Pansiyon. 


This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honourably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

-- Jelaluddin Rumi,
    translation by Coleman Barks

Our website is being updated and will be back live soon with dates for 2014.
 So please check back again soon..

To keep updated please like our Facebook page 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Yin it Out after a hard day or dynamic Yang practice.

Yin Yoga is wonderful for the mind, body & spirit a perfect compliment to dynamic Yang practice. 
Holding the poses for 1 to 5 minutes allows the body to repair and rejuvenate, allowing new blood, fluids and Prana to flood the body, working deep into the joints and connective tissue the tendons, fascia, and ligaments with the aim of increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility. 
Yin Yoga works the meridian lines (Lung, Liver, Heart, Intestines etc) though out the body removing stagnation and blockages. It teaches us to face our resistances we come up against in the poses and to guide us through them using our connection with the breath to relax the body, calm and bring peace to the mind, helping us to become present.
 All beautiful benefits to take from the mat into our daily lives.

I offer our Yoga Holiday students Yin yoga in our evening classes to compliment the dynamic Yang practice of the mornings and in my home practice. In my own home practice in the winter months I practice 4 AM Yang practices and on a Friday I indulge in a hour or 2 of Yin Yoga it really is a great balance and has and is having great effects on my body, mind and overall well being.

Have a great weekend

Jo :)

Monday, July 1, 2013

Yoga holiday Turkey – how our yoga tutor Jo followed love to Turkey

Happy Summer Everyone!

by   May 22, 2013

On a week holiday in Turkey Jo met Murat – 12 years later they’re married and running yoga holidays in the very house that they met in!
Jo was a 25-year-old hairdresser running her own business in Bath, UK when she took her first real holiday to Side, Turkey.
There she stayed in a pension by the beach that Murat’s family ran, but it wasn’t until the last night of her holiday that Jo agreed to go on a date with him.
“After one hour we were totally smitten” Jo
Several months later Murat visited Jo in the UK but only two days after he arrived tragedy struck Jo and her family.
“Murat met my parents and then the next day my father was killed in a car crash. It was so hard and Murat was there for me through it all,” Jo said.
As well as support from Murat, Jo turned to yoga to work through her grief.
But it wasn’t until many years later that Jo truly fell in love with yoga – after getting married in Turkey, she and Murat were expecting their first child and Jo began anti-natal yoga classes.
“I finally learnt how to calm down and relax, it really changed me” Jo said.
Soon Jo was doing yoga any chance she could outside of her busy working schedule. But it wasn’t until her second child was born that Jo decided she’d had enough.
“I was shattered and I never saw the kids.  So one day I just put the house and my business on the market and told Murat I wanted to move to Side. As soon as we got here I knew it was the right choice,’’ Jo said.
JoYogaholidaysturkeyAfter completing several yoga training courses, Jo and Murat took over his family accommodation and they began running yoga holidays.
And with Murat’s knowledge and passion for the region and Jo’s love of yoga the holidays have been a huge hit.
“The best thing for me is seeing people arrive and they feel how I used to feel – totally stressed out from the 9 to 5, and then seeing the transformation at the end of the week is incredible,” Jo said.
The holidays are right beside the beach and the guests who are from all over the world come and go as they please. And with no single supplement the holiday is very popular among solo travellers.
“We always so welcoming and we’ve made some friends for life through the courses – there’s nothing else we want to be doing now.” Jo said.
Want to know more?Get a glimpse into a day in the life of Jo
Discover Jo’s fantastic yoga holiday in Side, Turkey Find out what Jo’s holidays are really like from recent guests reviews

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Restorative Yoga Flow & Spinach Saute

Happy Summer!

I hope you are all well and the sun is well and truly shining where ever you are.

Please click here and Take your Yoga down a notch with this restorative flow. Flow with me to release excess tension in the body, calm the system through a soothing series of flowing poses.

We are well into our summer season this week we are Vinyasa flowing with Martha and 9 lovely students from all around the globe.

We are 6 practices in this week, we have laughed been inspired and ate great food along the way.

We have a few fully booked weeks and urge you if you are thinking of joining us then to reserve your place soon. Click here to see our schedule for June, July & September.  

Our welcome dinner was well devoured this week and have been asked to share some recipes My favorite dish this week was 

Spinach Saute


500 gr spinach, roots cut off*, washed several times, drained
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 small onion, finely chopped
2 tbsp crushed tomatoes, fresh preferably or in a can
1/2 tsp nutmeg, grated
1 teaspoon of Tomato paste
Pepper & red pepper flakes to taste

Boil the spinach for 5 minutes, drain. Squeeze the spinach with your hands. Then chop it on a cutting board.

Saute the onion in a medium sized pot with olive oil and salt until the colour of the onions turn to light brown. Add the spinach, crushed tomatoes, nutmeg & spices. Cook for about 5 minutes over medium-low heat. Turn the heat off.

Let it cool down for a few minutes. Arrange on a service plate.


Please email me if you have any questions about our holidays

Wishing you a great summer.

Jo xo

Friday, May 24, 2013

Happy summer

Hope life is great and you are getting some sunshine where every you are in the world.

Thought I would share with you what I have been up to and how I spend my days doing the job I love, Hosting a Yoga Retreat and eating good food here in beautiful Turkey.

We are well underway with our summer season, meeting some wonderful people sharing some great yoga and having lots of good fun along the way.

Please click here to see what our guest Heather had to say about her stay with us.

If you have not already then please join our Facebook page
Yoga Holidays Turkey by clicking here and like our page. I have just uploaded a lovely Shoulder Sequence. Check it out!

We still a few places available for June & July if you fancy joining us. Simply drop me a mail 
to check availability for the week you are interested in 



4 medium-sized tomatoes (it is important that you use the tastiest tomatoes you can find.
4 spring onions
1 red pepper
1 chili pepper
1 tablespoon tomato paste
juice of half a lemon
olive oil
salt and pepper
Preparation - EASY PEASY! 

I like to place my tomatoes in boiling water and peel them before slinging everything in to a blender and blitz until smooth ish.
Ezme can be served as a cold starter or a meze with fresh bread or as a dip with carrot and cucumber sticks etc. It also works well as an accompaniment to grilled meat (especially lamb) or fish.

Enjoy -   Afiyet Olsun

Please see our website for full details on our holidays here in beautiful Side.

Happy Weekend

Jo ox

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Yoga Holidays Goodness

Hey Everyone,
 We are a week in to our summer season and what a fab week it has been.  A great group of Yogis and lots of fun, delicious food and laughter.

Check out this lovely video of me interviewing a lovely guest Heather.

Places are filling fast so please if you are thinking of joining us reserve your place soon by mailing me to check availability and then I will send you all the details you need to secure your place.

Check out our website for full details of our holidays and course dates.

Sending you all sunshine and hope to meet you here soon.

Happy Sunday

Jo :)

Monday, April 22, 2013

When the going gets tough.
And how Yoga keeps my on my path.

Today is a brand new day of a brand new week. 

Every day we encounter something or someone that tries to send us of balance. Weather it be our over active mind going over stuff from the future or worrying you about something that happened in past or maybe someone else's point of view, opinions or mood. These are all lessons we are meant to learn along our path and that I am grateful for but keeping it real and true to yourself is our full time we owe to ourselves.

Cruel words or rejection are hard to swallow especially when it's not in your nature to hate or be judgemental. Every one is walking their own path and it is very easy to judge or retaliate when things offend or you don't agree with. Yoga Has taught me precious tools to walk my path with a greater understanding of peoples needs and to work though my tough times almost from a spectators perspective. At times the blows knock me for six, I feel out of sorts, maybe anger arises but my yogic lifestyle has taught me to take the time needed to work though and understand how I am feeling instead of suppressing my thoughts and negativity deep inside to fester and cause me deeper pain and suffering.

When you are on this journey of openness sometimes it feels like the work is constant. Just when you feel lift from one blow another swiftly follows. You will find the deeper you are connected to your self, your truth and following your own path each time a blow hits, the softer the blow knocking you gently with full awareness and a deeper understanding and knowledge to get you back on track.  The feeling of living in the present is fulfilling in every way that over time it becomes the only way to live 

To become frustrated of others or situations is a pure waste of energy, we are warriors of our own destiny if we stay true to our path and integrity we will flourish in happiness and vitality and all in time we will attract and build our tribe of like minded souls.

Here are some lovely yoga postures the will help open and stretches the chest and shoulders offering the heart and keep reminding you of all the factors that keep you unique. Opening up your heart centre and freeing your heart to open new channels for understanding of energy and love.

Up Dog

Upward Plank



Jo xo

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Let's talk Tea

So something that am really into and have been for a little while and I even got my husband onto it and every night we enjoy a cup of it before we hit the sack. Especially if I have had a busy day and my head is a little full. You no when you get into bed and BOOM all the thoughts in the world rush into your head. 
So I must share for you all to try as the benefits are calming, and aid a peaceful nights sleep.

Melissa/Lemon Balm Tea

So you no those time when your nerves feel all jangled up. You feel a little anxious and tense. Most of us reach for another coffee or tea as that's what we are drawn to when our stress levels are up more caffeine, more sugar etc. Check out some of the great benefits below.

1. Insomnia 
2. fever due to colds or the flu
3. Depression
4. Upset stomach or digestion discomfort
5. Brain function and memory
6. Fflatulence
7. Asthma, 
8. Headaches 
9. Toothaches. 

Lemon balm is another herb useful for relaxing. In short lemon balm tea can help dealing with nervous or anxious states, or when you have some digestion or similar problems. It has nice lemon smell, so when preparing lemon balm tea you don't need to use lemon to have that nice smell. Of course, you can add some lemon juice because of vitamin C or add honey to taste.

Lemon Balm is also available in other forms, such as capsules, extracts, tinctures and oils.

There are a few precautions though like if you are breastfeeding or taking hyperthyroidism then please check with your doctor first.

Lemon Balm Tea is a very beneficial and very tasty and with all those wonderful benefits go out and try a cup for yourself!
Happy Tuesday

Jo :)